Eine Frau sitzt auf der Ladefläche eines Autos


The sound of metal creaking as if something is about to break. An old pickup truck adapted to carry passengers crosses the La Guajira desert in Colombia. With the wind come voices that merge among the passengers who travel there. A Wayuu woman returns to her territory, accompanied by her family, after years of exile. A cyclical journey where the time layers of the territory touch and the border between the living and the dead is diluted. How didn't you wake me up when my soul was leaving?


Directors Juan Pablo Polanco Carranza & Cesar Alejandro Jaimes
Authors Maria Eugenia Fince, Remedios Fince, Josefa Fince, María Canela Reyes, Laura Nogal, Juan Pablo Polanco, Cesar Alejandro Jaimes
Director of Photography Angello Faccini
Sound Antonio Ponce
Montage Cesar Jaimes, Juan Pablo Polanco Carranza
Colombian Producer Laura Nogal Garcia
German Producer Merle Kröger

produced by Los Niños Films, pong film, Jarana Cine, Fasmas Cine

Contact production pong
Merle Kröger
E-mail: kroeger(at)pong-berlin.de
Tel: +49 (0)30 61076098



  • festivals

    World premiere: Visions du Réel - Burning Lights Wettbewerb 2024
    Colombian premiere: FICCI Festival Internacional de Cine de Cartagena de Indias

  • fact sheet

    Length: 103 minutes
    Country: Columbia, Germany 2024
    Format: 4K DCP
    Language: Wayuunaiki, Spanish
    Subtitles: English, French